Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Cost Control

If an operation practices cost control in all of its activities, the cost of operation will be lower than that of the competition. Profits will be above average even if the operation charges the same prices as the restaurant down the street. In fact, it could even charge lower prices than the competition and still make as much or more profit. Imagine the competitive advantage if your prices were lower and the quality of your food and service was equal to or better than that of your rivals.

Cost control needs to be ingrained into the culture of your restaurant. When such a business philosophy becomes ingrained, it is said to be "institutionalized."  It is critical that your staff place a premium on absolutely, positively getting the greatest value for the least cost in every aspect of your operation.

I have always been a proponent of sharing the financial performance of the restaurant with employees. Financial knowledge allows them to become a partner in the success of the restaurant.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Communicate and Enforce Your Rules

Every organization needs rules that define how the people within the organization are to function and interact with each other. Chances are, if your culture is not what you want, your rules of the game are either not appropriate, haven't been adequately communicated or aren't enforced. For any organization to function properly, everyone on the team should clearly understand the following:
  • What's acceptable and what's not.
  • What's expected of everyone.
  • How to interact with each other. 
  • How to hold on another accountable.
Communication is the foundation for a well-run restaurant.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

7 Ways to Solicit Customer Feedback

  1. Walk the floor and stay visible (touch tables).
  2. Provide incentives to your servers to communicate any problems.
  3. Randomly check tables.
  4. Greet every table.
  5. Conduct preshift meetings to keep staff informed and to troubleshoot issues.
  6. Talk to customers in order to solicit feedback.
  7. Ask your servers how they are doing and if they need any help.