Embrace food cost not as a single percentage, but from four
different perspectives.
In order to appreciate the full value of food-cost control,
you must examine it from “the four faces of food cost”. The four faces are
maximum allowable, actual, potential, and standard.
Assume you’re opening a new restaurant and preparing a pro-forma
income statement. What percentage should you run? The answer to that question
is partially answered by the calculation of the Maximum allowable food-cost percentage, or MFC.
The MFC is the high-water mark for your food cost; if it
exceeds the percentage that percentage of sales, your profit will be diminished
by that percentage amount. Remember: Each operation will have its own unique
MFC because it has unique expenses and sales.
The second food cost is the percentage that appears on your
monthly income statement. It is a reflection of the food cost you actually ran
during that accounting period, thus the name Actual Food cost percentage, or AFC.
The third perspective is referred to as potential food cost
percentage. It is also called Theoretical
food cost percentage because it is calculated by dividing the total or
potential food cost by the total or potential food sales (PFC).
The fourth and final face of food cost answers the
management question, “what should my food cost be at the end of the accounting
period?” That percentage is referred to as the Standard Food Cost Percentage, or SFC. The SFC is compared to the
AFC to assess the effectiveness of the food cost control during the accounting
period. It is calculated by adding employee meals, and management allowances
for unfavorable waste and quality control to the PFC percentage.
The four faces of food cost represent the highest food cost
can rise and still return a minimum profit; what food cost percentage the
operation actually incurred; the food cost percentage based on the menu-sales
mix and zero waste; and what the food cost should be, given all known
allowances for food consumed but not sold. Only then can you fully comprehend
the true purpose and value of food-cost analysis. Return To Restaurant Experts
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